How do you create a good character?

Y ou might have the best story in mind and already know what the main character Is going to accomplish within it, but who is the main character and what will make them appealing to your readers? A book might form through an interesting plot where you need to build a character to put into it or it might form around a character that you have in mind that you need to build the plot around. Either way your character needs more depth than just their actions and outcome, but where do we start? Your characters must be complex enough to carry the plot through action and dialogue but be able to influence the reader in just a few thousand words that describe them and what they are doing. My first piece of advice is don’t overthink creating one. They don’t have to be a perfect fit for the role and creating uncertainty in a plot certainly adds to the drama. Try to avoid creating a stereotype character for the plot whether they are the main or supporting characters. Also avoid creating a char...