Is there a specific order a plot must flow in fiction?

T he short answer to this question is yes, but also no. For your story to flow traditionally and entertain your reader it should generally follow the traditional method that is known as the Freytag Pyramid. It may sound rigid, but this flow of parts is used in nearly every book, movie, and television show and once you begin to relate this to media you know it will become clear that this is the expectation of readers. That being said, there is no hard rule that says you can’t move this around or even throw it out the window completely. It’s worth noting that in viewing this graphic that the lines representing the parts of the pyramid are not to scale with how long the parts of the plot should be. Some aspects might vary from story to story, and you shouldn’t view the Freytag Pyramid as a rigid structure that you are bound by with your plot. The first part of the pyramid is the exposition . This is where we are introduced to the story, characters, setting, and begin to see how...