How do I get motivated to write?

H olding your published book in your hands for the first time is like holding your first-born child. OK, maybe not quite, but it's still a fantastic feeling. The first time I held my published work in my hands was a great day and it felt like stumbling across the finish line in a marathon, but even that is an understatement of the process. Receiving your author copy in the mail is more like the halfway point of the marathon if you intend to sell any books. Writing a book sounds like fun and it’s a great feeling to pour your thoughts and creativity into a written piece of work. Many think it’s like carving a statue, picking out the perfect curves, and chiseling pieces to create a masterpiece. Unfortunately, it’s nothing like carving unless you intend to use a quarry for one piece. It might seem like once you get a solid outline of a book or create enough details you should be able to just sit down and crank it out in a few days. If only it were that easy. Don't kid yourself. ...